Thursday, November 27, 2014

Children’s Literature returns to Dromkeen Homestead! Launch December 7

Children’s Literature returns to Dromkeen Homestead!

Dromkeen Homestead’s new owners and Books Illustrated Gallery are celebrating the history of Dromkeen and Australia children’s literature with the opening of an exhibition of The John Barrow Collection of Australian Children’s Book Illustration on Sunday December 7.

This will be the first showing of the John Barrow collection which includes original artworks by some of Australia’s well-known illustrators including Graeme Base, Ann James, Alison Lester, Bob Graham, Terry Denton, Jane Tanner, Julie Vivas and many more.

The collection features work from the modern classic era of Australian Children’s Literature, 1980 -2004.

This is an opportunity for creators, publishers, booksellers, teachers, librarians and other children’s literature enthusiasts to revisit Dromkeen, reminisce with some vintage books and illustration and gain insight into the future vision for the homestead.

Invitation attached  - RSVP by Dec 3
Dromkeen Homestead, Riddells Creek, Victoria

The John Barrow Collection 
John Barrow, a primary school teacher with a love of story in many forms, began his collection of original book illustration with two purchases from the newly opened Books Illustrated Gallery in 1988. This intriguing collection, which continued until his death in 2004, comprises over 133 illustrations and books, and reflects both his personality and the Australian publishing and illustration styles of three decades.

About Dromkeen Homestead
Many will fondly remember the halcyon days of children’s literature at Dromkeen homestead in Riddles Creek, Victoria. Purchased by booksellers Joyce and court Oldmeadow in the 1970s it became a literary destination until 2008 when the property was sold and the valuable Dromkeen collection of children’s literature, featuring original manuscripts and illustrations (established in 1974), was housed at the State Library of Victoria.
The homestead is now being re invented as an event venue. One of the new owners, Bernadette Joiner, a teacher with a passion for children’s literature, is keenly rekindling the homestead’s connection with this part of it’s history.

About Books Illustrated
Books Illustrated has been promoting Australian picture books and their creators for over 25 years. Starting as a gallery in 1988, it has had an interesting history that has culminated in a program of exhibitions promoting the work of Australian book creators throughout Australia and overseas.

For publicity information or to arrange an interview please contact:
Ann Haddon       Ph: 03 9534 7751

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